Amazing and easy way to identify fake and real almonds.

Friends, today we will talk about a topic which is very important for you to know. If we are unable to do anything to take care of our health, then we think that why not provide energy to the body by eating something strong.  In happiness, dry fruits are considered very suitable for this. In happiness, some people like to eat cashew nuts, some people consume walnuts but some people like to eat almonds, so today we will give you complete information about this topic in this article.  provide.

Amazing and easy way to identify fake and real almonds.
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How to identify real almonds in dry fruits?

Friends, in today's time, the demand for everything has increased so much that everything is being copied, whether it is food items or any other useful item. In this era, people are trying to take care of their health even in the comforts.  Just like the almonds that you want to consume are also coming in fake form, so if you want to consume almonds then you will have to identify real and fake almonds, for that you will have to adopt the method mentioned by us.  So let us tell you further ways to identify real and fake almonds.

Ways to identify real almonds

Friends, if you go to buy almonds in the market, then keep this thing in your mind that this almond can also be fake, then you should immediately check whether the almond is real or fake. You take the almond in your hand and quickly  If any color leaves your hands then it means that the almond is fake. If no color leaves then the almond is real and another way to identify the real almond is to press the almond under a paper and keep it.  Press fast, if oil comes out then it is real almond. If oil does not come out then it is fake almond.  Similarly you can identify real and fake almonds.


To take care of ourselves in this world, we should look at everything and use it only after examining it properly because in this competitive world, now every food item or item is being copied.  By consuming fake things and using them in our life, we may have to face many types of problems, so if you want to use anything, then use it only after examining it thoroughly.

Note: The information given by us is based on some sources, our channel does not confirm it completely.