Amazing homemade foods to overcome calcium deficiency.

By the way, everyone must be aware that in which foods calcium is found in abundance. Calcium is very essential for our body because if there is deficiency of calcium in our body then it causes pain in joints, bones and teeth.  Breakage or toothache, heart related problems, muscle related problems and many other types of problems also occur, so we should take very good care that there is no calcium deficiency in our body, hence we should know that apart from medicine,  From which foods can we get calcium in abundance? So today in this article we will provide you information about calcium-rich foods.

Amazing homemade foods to overcome calcium deficiency.

Calcium deficiency diseases

Calcium deficiency causes very serious problems, some of which are as follows: Due to calcium deficiency, there is muscle pain in our joints, bones become weak, teeth ache or they start breaking and their whiteness also becomes dull.  It ends, many heart related problems occur and many other problems also arise from it, etc. Similar problems occur due to calcium deficiency.

Foods that fulfill the deficiency of calcium

As you know that calcium deficiency cannot be met only by the intake of medicine In the first we can include milk, curd, butter and whey, in dry fruit we can include butter slag. Makhan slag is very high in calcium, we have leafy greens, almonds, soy food, whole grains, We can include broccoli and figs and by the consumption of these foods, we can fulfill the deficiency of calcium in our body and if there is no deficiency of calcium in your body, then you should consume all these things in small amounts so that there is never a lack of calcium in your body.

Intake method

As you all know that it is necessary to have a certain quantity and method of consuming everything, thus you have to use the methods mentioned by us in a certain time and quantity.  You have to consume the food items mentioned by us in small quantities in a very balanced manner because consuming them in excess can also cause harm.

Note: This information given by us is based on general things, if you have any serious problem then use it after consulting the doctor.