Get instant relief from cholesterol problem with this amazing home remedy.

Friends, today we are going to tell you a solution by doing which you can get benefit from many diseases simultaneously. This solution is mainly for reducing bad cholesterol and it also protects us from problems like cold and cough in winter.  Will protect and strengthen our immune system and digestive system.  

This remedy will prove beneficial in many other similar problems also.  This remedy is a very easy home remedy, which you can use anytime, anywhere.  This solution is nothing other than sesame and jaggery laddus. So, in today's article, we will provide you complete information about the method of making this laddus and the benefits.

Get instant relief from cholesterol problem with this amazing home remedy.
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Method of making sesame jaggery laddu

As its name suggests, it is made from a mixture of sesame and jaggery, so it is correct that this sesame is made from a mixture of jaggery and coconut. First of all, you have to keep a pan on the gas and fry the sesame seeds in it.  When the heart starts to appear light brown in color then you have to turn it in some vessel, after

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 that put the pan again on the gas and add one spoon of ghee in it and then add jaggery in it and cook and also add coconut paste in it.  And then add roasted sesame seeds in it and cook it well until it becomes suitable for making laddus.

Benefits of sesame jaggery laddu

We get many benefits from sesame jaggery laddu but mainly it proves beneficial in removing bad cholesterol from the body.  According to experts, lignan and phytosterol are found in sesame which is beneficial in controlling high cholesterol and phytosterol also strengthens the immune system.  By consuming sesame jaggery laddus, we also get many other benefits like a lot of calcium is found in the

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 heart which strengthens the bones and it also has the properties of fiber which is very helpful in strengthening the digestive system.  Consumption of jaggery is also beneficial in the problem of high blood pressure.  Many other types of jaggery are also found in jaggery which are beneficial for many other diseases.  By consuming jaggery we can easily get rid of problems like cold and cough.

Intake method

As you must be aware that it is very important to have a certain method, quantity and time to consume anything, similarly, you have to use this remedy mentioned by us in a certain time, method and quantity.  You have to consume sesame jaggery laddu twice a day. Do not consume more than this. You can consume this laddu on an empty stomach in the morning, this gives more benefits.  You also have to keep in mind that you should consume only one to two laddu and do not consume more than that.

Note: This information given by us is based on general things. If you have any serious problem then definitely consult a doctor.