Home remedies and ways to get rid of dandruff problem instantly.

Today we have brought for you an important topic which is seen very rapidly among the people in the winter season. People are very troubled by it and are also making many claims for it, yet they are not able to get any kind of benefit.  This problem is not happening, it is nothing else, it is the problem of dandruff in hair and body in winter season or the problem occurs very fast. Due to this problem, people also have problem of itching etc. Due to this problem, people feel embarrassed.  If you also have to face this problem, then in today's article we will tell you some reasons for its occurrence and some ways to get rid of it.

Home remedies and ways to get rid of dandruff problem instantly.
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Causes of dandruff 

As we told you that this problem is seen more in the winter season, it is not that it is not seen in the summer, it is seen in the summer also but much less than the winter season.  The main reasons for dandruff are not washing hair for many days in winter, excessive use of oil etc., wearing cap, scarf, sal etc. on the head, reducing water intake due to which the body gets dehydrated and problem of dandruff also

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 occurs.  , As everyone knows that in winter season there is more dryness in the air which also causes the problem of dandruff, in winter most of the people take bath with hot water which causes dryness on the scalp and causes problem of dandruff, like  -Using different types of body lotions etc. also causes problem of dandruff on the body etc. Due to these reasons the problem of dandruff occurs.

What should be done to get rid of the problem of dandruff?

As we told what are the reasons for this problem.  And in which season it occurs more, so let us now know some ways to get rid of it.  People who consume less water in the winter season should consume maximum amount of water so that the body remains dehydrated and there is no problem of dandruff. People should not

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 use different types of body lotions etc.  One type of body lotion should be used, hair should be washed regularly, oil etc. should not be consumed in large quantities, only sufficient quantity should be consumed, bathing should not be done with too hot water, it would be appropriate to bathe with fresh water etc.  By adopting these types of methods you can get rid of the problem of sage.

Home remedies to get rid of dandruff problem

As we told you what things you have to keep in mind in the problem of Rishi and what to do and what not to do, then now we will tell you some home remedies for this. You have to wash your head with Amla water,  Amla oil is to be applied on the hair, head should be washed with Multani Mitti and you can also apply it on the skin so that you will not have problem of dandruff, you should consume water in large quantity etc. By following similar measures you can get rid of the problem of dandruff.  Can get rid of.

Note: This method given by us is based on general things, if you have any serious problem then adopt this method only as per the consultation of the doctor.