You will be shocked to know amazing ways to increase lifespan and increase immunity.

Today we will tell you about different types of herbs whose consumption will have many benefits in your body and this consumption will save you from consuming many other types of herbs. Its consumption will help you in increasing your immunity.  You will be able to live a long life, your age can be more than 100 years, these herbs were found in the Himalayan region, they are also found in different

 areas, by consuming these herbs, the ancient sages, saints etc. can live more than 100 years.  If you were able to live longer and remain free from diseases, then in today's article we will provide you information about those medicines whose consumption can prolong your life and make your immunity very strong.

You will be shocked to know amazing ways to increase lifespan and increase immunity.
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Names of herbs that increase immunity and lifespan

There are many herbs that increase immunity and lifespan, but we will provide you information about some of them which will be beneficial for you and by consuming which you will get many other benefits apart from strengthening your immunity and prolonging your life.  If they are also there then let us know about these herbs.

[1] Brahmi

Brahmi is a very important and beneficial medicine, we get many benefits by consuming it.  This mainly helps in proper functioning of the brain and removes worries and also prolongs your life. It is very beneficial in increasing our immunity.  To consume it, we put its leaves in hot water and drink it early in the morning on an empty stomach, it gives us great benefits.

[2] Asparagus

Asparagus is a very beneficial herb, its consumption helps us in prolonging our life and increasing our immunity as well as eliminating the problem of PCOS and infertility. We should consume it by mixing its powder in milk.  Get a lot of benefits.

[3] Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is a very beneficial medicine which became very popular among the people during the Corona period because even during the Corona period people used it to increase their immunity and along with this it also prolongs your life.  By consuming it, we get relief from stress problems and our body remains energetic. We should consume it by boiling it in water and consuming it early in the morning on an empty stomach.

[4] Shilajit

Shilajit is also a very beneficial medicine. With its use, energy flows in our body and our immunity increases, due to which we can live a long life without facing diseases.  We can consume it every morning on an empty stomach.

[5] Tulsi

Tulsi is a very beneficial and easily available herb. By consuming it, we get many benefits. Antioxidant properties are found in it.  With its regular consumption, our immunity also increases and we can live a long life.  It should be consumed early in the morning on an empty stomach by chewing its leaves.

[6] Giloy

Giloy is a very good herb which is known for its ability to increase immunity and its regular consumption also increases our lifespan.  We can consume it early in the morning on an empty stomach by mixing one spoon of Giloy powder in lukewarm water, this will prevent diseases from wandering around us.

[7] Saffron

Saffron is a very tasty and popular medicine which is rich in antioxidant properties and also has anti-aging properties. By consuming it, our immunity increases and we can live longer. We consume it early in the morning.  Before you can stomach it, soak it in water overnight and then consume it.

 Note: This information given by us is based on general things. If you have any serious problem then use these medicines only as per the advice of the expert.