Zika virus is spreading which is more dangerous than Corona, know about it

Zika virus is a mosquito-borne disease that bites during the day. The bites of these mosquitoes cause many other diseases like chikungunya, dengue, fever etc., along with this, Zika virus has recently been reported in many areas of Karnataka due to mosquito bites.  Information is being received about the spread of a disease called virus, so today in this article we will get detailed information about Zika virus.

Zika virus symptoms

Zika virus
Image source : Freepik.com

Zika virus is a mosquito-borne disease.  Which spreads through mosquito bites.  In this virus we feel headache, fever, muscle pain, red rashes on the skin, fatigue etc.  This pain lasts for 2 to 7 days. This virus spreads mostly in pregnant women, so for this reason pregnant women should immediately contact a health worker for the care of their womb.  Also, if any other person sees serious symptoms then he should immediately contact the doctor.

How does Zika virus spread?

Zika virus
Image source : Freepik.com

This virus spreads by going around infected people and is spread by mosquito bites, its mosquitoes bite mostly during the day, it also spreads through sexual contact.  It also spreads to the fetus of the pregnant woman.  If we live near dirty water i.e. drain then it spreads to us due to mosquito bites and if we do not wear full clothes on our body then it will be easier for mosquitoes to bite us due to which it also spreads.

How to protect yourself from Zika virus

There is no specific treatment available yet for Zika virus. But we can get rid of its symptoms by claiming simple fever and headache and we can also avoid it by avoiding mosquito bites.  We can avoid its effects by wearing proper clothes on the entire body.  We should keep the windows of our houses closed and have nets in them, we should not keep dirt in our house, use neem smoke or martin in our house so that we will be protected from the effects of Zika virus.