Benefits of consuming jaggery tea in winter and its preparation method.

Winter season has arrived and if people are going anywhere or at their home, if they are asked what they will drink, then only one word will come out of their mouth - tea, but in this time, we are surrounded by various types of diseases and infections.  And to avoid these, we should consume nutritious elements of winter season and the tea we drink contains sugar which is not at all good for health. We

 all know this, so this is in your mind.  The question may be coming that what tea should we drink instead of sugar, then let me tell you that apart from sugar, we can also drink jaggery tea. Jaggery tea is very tasty and beneficial and its benefits are double in the winter season.  So in today's article we will provide you detailed information about the benefits of jaggery tea and its preparation method.

Benefits of consuming jaggery tea in winter and its preparation method.
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Benefits of consuming jaggery tea

We get various benefits by drinking jaggery tea, today we will tell you about some of these.

  Consuming jaggery tea generates heat in our body and also strengthens the immunity because some nutrients are found in jaggery which cause their origin.

 •Keeps us safe from cough and cold.

 •Purifies the blood in the body and removes the toxins present in the liver.

 •Jaggery tea helps us a lot in reducing weight.

 • Consuming jaggery tea maintains the amount of energy in our body.

 • Consumption of jaggery tea eliminates the bacteria generated in our body.

Jaggery tea recipe

To make jaggery tea, first of all you have to take water in a pan and keep it to heat and when it boils, then add tea spices like black pepper, cardamom powder, ginger paste and tea leaves.  You have to put it and then add jaggery in it in the quantity in which you are making tea. The jaggery should be grated and you have to mix it properly in the tea and cook it on low flame and when the tea is ready then filter it.  Milk should be added to it according to the quantity of tea.  Your jaggery tea will be ready.  Now you can drink it hot with pleasure.

Reasons why jaggery tea bursts

It is often seen that whenever people make jaggery tea, it bursts. Do you know why it bursts? If you do not know, then we will tell you. When we make jaggery tea, we mix milk and jaggery.  They are poured together due to which milk and jaggery burst due to chemical reaction because sometimes jaggery is made by mixing some chemicals, so before making jaggery tea, keep in mind that all the ingredients and spices are used in it in fixed quantities.  Do it in and on time.

Note: This remedy given by us is based on home remedies. If you have any problem with the consumption of jaggery, then consume it only as per the doctor's advice.