One should not consume green peas, what are the side effects?

Friends, today we are going to give you information about a very important topic which will be very beneficial for you. As you all know, the winter season has started and the season of green peas has also started in the winter season.  It happens that people consume green peas in large quantities in winter. Green peas are very tasty to eat. Most of the people like it. There are many benefits of consuming green peas in winter but there are some disadvantages too.  If we consume green peas in excess quantity then we may face many types of problems, so in today's article let us know which people should not consume green peas.

One should not consume green peas, what are the side effects?
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One should not consume green peas

As we told you that everyone likes to eat green peas in the winter season and green peas are very tasty to eat, people consume green peas in large quantities and this causes huge losses to us.  So let us know in which diseases peas should not be consumed or should be consumed in less quantity.

 •People who want to lose weight should consume green peas in small quantities because excessive consumption leads to weight gain.

 •People who have kidney related problems should not consume green peas because it can be harmful.  Therefore they should avoid green peas.

 •If there is a problem of gas or bloating in the stomach, one should avoid consuming green peas because it can be harmful in these problems.

 •People who have the problem of high uric acid should avoid consuming green peas.


As we told you above which people should not consume green peas.  As you all know that everyone likes to consume green peas in the winter season. We consume green peas as a vegetable or we eat them anyway. Green peas are very tasty and green peas have many benefits.  We also get many types of benefits

 from consumption.  But we should consume green peas only keeping in mind that we have to consume it in a certain quantity only and if we are seeing the above mentioned problems within us, then we should consume peas in very small quantities.  Let us now tell you about the benefits of consuming peas in the next article.

Note: This information given by us is based on some sources. If you want to consume green peas then definitely consult a doctor.