Use these remedies and get rid of intestinal and digestive system problems.

Today we are going to tell you about a very important and serious topic which is very important for you to know and by adopting the solution you can keep your body completely healthy. As you all know that the brain is  After all, the function of intestines is considered very important and due to the unhealthy foods we consume at present, dirt gets accumulated in our intestines and to clean it i.e. to

 get rid of it, you can consult various doctors.  We take advice and use the medicine given by them, but today we are telling you how dirt gets accumulated in the intestines. What you call unhealthy food from outside, our digestive system gets disturbed and the stomach does not get cleaned.  Due to this, stool gets accumulated in our intestines.  So let us know the home remedies to clean intestinal stool.

Use these remedies and get rid of intestinal and digestive system problems.
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Ways to remove intestinal waste

Today we will tell you some home remedies by which you can clean intestinal stool.  You should consume cumin because consumption of cumin keeps our digestive system healthy. Apart from this, it also provides relief from the problem of gas and bloating, you should consume Giloy. Giloy has great importance in Ayurveda because antioxidants are found in it.  Consumption of Giloy also

 strengthens the digestive system and immunity. You should consume fenugreek because fiber and antioxidants are found in good quantity in fenugreek. Consuming fenugreek keeps our digestive system healthy and is beneficial in cleaning the intestines.  Yes, you should consume Amla because it is very beneficial for cleaning the intestines, you should consume ginger because the consumption

 of ginger cleans the stool accumulated in the intestines and people who consume it do not have this problem.  You do not have to face it, you should consume plain moong khichdi two to three days a week, etc. With similar measures, you can clean the dirt accumulated in your hands.

intake method

You people have to use the remedies given by us in a fixed time, mantra and method, because if you do not use it in a fixed time, method and quantity, then you will not know the benefit or harm caused by it. You can consume ginger by adding it to tea.  You can do it.  You can consume Amla in the form of juice, 5 to 10 ml in the morning on an empty stomach, you have to consume 3 to 5 grams of fenugreek daily in the morning on an empty stomach, similarly you should also consume 2 to 4 grams of cumin in the morning on an empty stomach by chewing it.  To do.

Note: The remedy given by us is for general information, you can use it but if you have any serious problem then take it on medical consultation.